Life Every Voice and Sing Until Earth and Heaven Rings! Rings with Justice and Equality for All. This weekend we celebrate the anniversary of American Independence that was achieved in 1776. This weekend I encourage everyone to celebrate this great nation and reflect on how great it can be when we all work together.
Today, I present each one of us with a 4th of July 2020 call to action. That “call to action” is to register for mail in ballots for All elections, reach out to twenty-five (25) people in your circle of influence to ensure they are registered and ready to vote! Then ask them to reach out to 25 people to ensure they are registered and ready to vote! If we all “arrive with twenty-five (25)” on election day we can affect the positive change, we need immediately in this country. It is our individual right and responsibility to help this country live up to its promise of the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, “That All People are Created Equal” … and this country needs national leaders who believe in the words of our founding fathers. As you celebrate, be safe and follow the advice of our brave medical professionals.
Peace and Blessings to You,
Karen Hardin, Branch President